Jean Paul Gaultier is a French designer best known for his extravagant creations, including Designer Handbags. Even if he did not receive any formal training in designing because he did not go to school to hone his craft, he was still able to revolutionize his career by working for famous designers. He eventually got to work under Pierre Cardin, who believed in Gaultier’s talent and who kept him in his fashion company for a few years.
Jean Paul Gaultier Handbag Replica »In 1976, Gaultier started as a designer on his own and launched his first collection. He got the attention of the industry for his daring and unique designs. Even Madonna’s attention was captured by his creations and he even got the chance to design the Material Girl’s costumes for several of her tours. He is also favored by other celebrities such as Kylie Minogue and Marilyn Manson. He was commissioned during the production of movies as the designer of the actors’ costumes, such as for The City of Lost Children and The Fifth Element.
The brand is now focusing on several creations, especially that Gaultier already has haute couture, ready-to-wear line, and another product line for Hermes, a famous luxury brand. In 1994, the label opened a more affordable collection line called JPG, which sells unisex garments. The label also started a jeans collection that is now considered successful as well as a perfume line, which is another success story.
The label uses the same approach that they have for clothing in creating Jean Paul Gaultier bags. There is still an element of extravagance, which is the center of attention among the handbags. However, the label also created bags that are classy and elegant as well as affordable, pertaining to the JPG handbags. Since the brand has haute couture bags, they are quite expensive.
Gaultier bags are sold online and are even available on sale for some online stores. However, the brand’s popularity has caused some people to produce Jean Paul Gaultier Replica Bags. These are definitely cheaper bags but they are also made of low quality materials that make them more profitable for their sellers. Be careful in assessing the bags that you see online to make sure that you are not only buying replicas promoted as genuine Gaultier bags.
There are more opportunities now for buyers to avail of more affordable goods online because of the easy comparison of websites. Instead of making do with replica bags, you can invest in top quality genuine Gaultier bags. If you are patient enough, you can easily find bags at great discounts if you search for them online. You can benefit from the long lasting use of the extravagant bags from the label. The Cage hobo bag with its slouchy shape is impressive, while the Valises bag has top quality brown leather. The brand’s trench bag has the trademark extravagant style of Gaultier and beautiful silk interior with compartments where you can put your phone and other small things in. All these bags are available online.